

In order to determine the Turkish equivalents of the technical terms used in the heat science originating from the foreign language and to provide widespread use, Prof. Dr. Yalçın Göğüş and Prof. Dr. Ercan Ataer’s Dictionary of Heat Terms was first published in 1994 in the name of Turkish Society of Thermal Sciences and Technology.

English – Turkish Dictionary of Heat Terms was improved in 2000 and printed as a book by Prof. Dr. Ercan Ataer and Prof. Dr.Yalçın Göğüş with the correspondence of the Azerbaijani dialect. In 2015, the Glossary of Heat Terms was rearranged and transferred it to the web site of the association by Prof. Dr. Haşmet Türkoglu.

On behalf of TIBTD, it is our honor to thank to Prof. Dr. Yalçın Göğüş, Prof. Dr. Ercan Ataer, Prof. Dr. Süha Selamoğlu, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Can, Prof. Dr. Berrin Erbay, Prof. Dr. Zekeriya Altaç, Prof. Dr. Haşmet Türkoğlu and all the other personnel who helped in the preparation of this dictionary.

Our respect,

TIBTD Board of Directors