Journal of Thermal Sciences and Technology
The “Journal of Thermal Sciences and Technology”, which started its publication in 1977 with the aim of encouraging the development of heat science and technology and enabling the publication of original, theoretical, numerical and experimental papers in its field, is published twice a year in April and October. Original and compilation articles on the subject of heat science and technology are included and each article is evaluated by at least two referees who are experts in their field.
Indexes of Thermal Sciences and Technology Journal;
– Science Citation Index (SCI)
– Engineering Index (EI)
– Engineering and Basic Science Database (ULAKBİM)
Ethical Principles and Publication Policy can be accessed from the link below:
Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
Previous issues

Volume 8
Issue 2, 1985

Volume 1
Issue 2, 2022

Author's Guide

In the Journal of Thermal Sciences and Technology, articles on the results of original theoretical and experimental studies in the field of heat science are published. The articles are accepted in Turkish or English. The articles may be prepared in free format for the first presentation. However, it is necessary to prepare the accepted articles for publication in accordance with the publication format of the journal.
A sample article prepared in accordance with the publication format of the Journal of Thermal Sciences and Technology is presented in the file on the right. After the referee evaluations, the accepted articles for publication must be prepared in accordance with the publication format of the Journal of Thermal Sciences and Technology.
Copyright Transfer Form

The articles accepted after the referee’s evaluation should be sent electronically together with the “Copyright Process Form” after they have been prepared in accordance with the printing format as described in the writing rules.
With this form, it is confirmed that paper is original and nor sent for publishing in other journals or elsewhere. If the paper or some part of it is published elsewhere before, this also confirms that our journal has right to publish it as well, which means we claim the right to publish it in Journal of Thermal Sciences and Technology and all the copyrights is given to Turkish Journal of Thermal Sciences and Technology.