


In Autumn 1974, during the workshop about “Thermodynamics Education” in Boğaziçi University, the first idea of establishing a heat science and engineering society has been raised in order to develop research and applications related to the thermal science across Turkey. A small group, the majority of which is a faculty member of the Middle East Technical University (METU) and the Istanbul Technical University (ITU), determined the outline of the association’s charter and established the “Thermal Sciences and Technology Association” at METU Mechanical Engineering Department at the beginning of 1976. Today, this “Thermal Sciences and Technology Association” is one of the oldest national associations aiming to contribute to science and technology in Turkey.

The number of members in the association exceeded over one hundred in the year after 1974. The Society started publishing a bi-monthly bulletin of the Thermal Sciences and Technology and ” Journal of Thermal Sciences and Technology ” every four months since April 1978 and the association was renamed the “Turkish Society of Thermal Sciences and Technology (TIBTD)”. In April 1977, the first National Thermal Sciences and Technology Congress and Exhibition was held at the Faculty of Science of Ankara University with the participation of universities and industrial organizations operating throughout the country. Although the society headquarter and journal activities were organized and collected by METU Mechanical Engineering Department, the association activities spread throughout Turkey’s different regions and different universities and departments (Mechanical, Chemical, Physics engineering etc.) have been included.

The “National Mass Transfer Symposium” was held in İstanbul Technical University (ITU) in December 1977, “Thermodynamics Symposium” was held in Uludag University on July 1978 and “Heating and Heat Economy Congress” was held in ODTU on November 1978. The symposium books titled “National Mass Transfer Symposium” and “Thermodynamics Symposium” were published. Since the first convention held in 1977, the National Thermal Sciences and Technology Congress are held regularly at various universities in Turkey for every two years on a regular basis and symposium books are published. The English – Turkish Thermal Terms Dictionary was prepared by Abdullah Göğüş and published in the Journal of Turkish Thermal Sciences and Technology in 1977.

The Founding Chairman of the Association Prof. Dr. Yalçın Göğüş was the president until 1979. In the following years, Prof. Dr. Sadik Kakaç and Prof. Dr. Orhan Yeşin has carried out the presidency. Professor Dr. Sadik Kakaç and Prof. Dr. Orhan Yeşin established an Advisory Board. The “Successful Industrialist”, “Successful Educator”, “Successful Practitioner” awards and also the “Successful Higher Education Award” were given. “Alternative Energy Sources and Environmental Problems Symposium” was held in December 1979 with the participation of foreign countries and the symposium booklet was published. TIBTD gave support to the NATO Summer School held in Turkey. The number of members reached 463 at the beginning of 1981. During the course of its foundation, many university faculty members and industrialists throughout the country have supported TIBTD activities with their donations. Besides these, the devoted efforts of Prof. Dr. Birol Kılkış have made a great contribution to the development of the association.

Between 1981 and 1993, Prof. Dr. Nuri Saryal served as the Chairman of the Association for twelve years. During this period, the financial support to the association was provided by the National Heat Conventions. The journal has been published as 4 issues per year and many scientific and technical meetings have been held: in October 1982, ” The Future of Housing Heating Panel in Turkey ” in Ankara, in March 1985 “Energy Savings and Youth Seminar” in Ankara, in January 1987, “Seminar on Technological and Economic Problems of Heat Industry” in ODTU and in March 1987 “Recent Developments in Heat Industry” exhibition in Ankara, in May 1988 “Natural Gas Seminar in Residential Heating” in Ankara, in October 1988 “Energy Economics and Applications Symposium” in Konya, in December 1989 “Natural Gas Seminar” in Ankara Atatürk Cultural Center and with the association of Cukurova University in Adana first in May 1990, second in May 1992 and third in May 1994 “National Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Symposium and Exhibition” and also with Erciyes University in Kayseri in August 1990 “Second Law Workshop”, in March 1991 “The workshop of Technological Problems of Natural Gas Applications” in ODTÜ, in May 1991 with the association of Atatürk University in Erzurum “National Congress of Energy Management”. The index of all the articles published in the Journal of Thermal Sciences and Technology and National Symposium books were prepared according to topics and published by Prof. Dr. Hikmet Karakoç. A lecturer at several universities in Turkey, has been appointed as the TIBTD representative. It is worth emphasizing the efforts shown by Prof. Dr. Nevin Selçuk and Prof. Dr. Arif Ileri during this time.

One year in the period of 1993-1994, Prof. Dr. Yalçın Göğüş and then six years between 1994 and 2000 Prof. Dr. Ercan Ataer carried out the presidency. During this period, both scientific and social activities have been promoted; the journal publication was continued and a social dinner was organized for the members of the association. In April 1994, the “Energy Symposium in all sides in the 21st Century” in Istanbul and in September 1994 the “Geothermal Applications Symposium” in Denizli were supported.

In those years, many branches of heat engineering such as boiler construction, refrigeration, piping established their own individual associations and published their own journals. As a result of this development, the Turkish Society of Thermal Sciences and Technology has reached the conclusion that the support of scientific and technical studies on the basis of special applications would give a better profit for the interests of the country and scientific reports has been included in the journal rather than the yellow pages such as; popular pages, new products, patents and news from associations etc. The weight of the association’s work was focusing to journal publishing, establishing research centers (the foundation of the “International Center for Applied Thermodynamics” together with ITU and ODTU) and giving awards to honor our successful scientists in Turkey. Sessions on “education and terms” were held in National Thermal Sciences and Technology Congresses. English – Turkish the glossary of heat terms was being rearranged and printed as a book by Prof. Dr. Ercan Ataer and Prof. Dr.Yalçın Göğüş with the correspondence of the Azerbaijani dialect.

In the six-year period between 2000 and 2006, Prof. Dr. Bekir Zuhtu Uysal served as the President of the Association. In parallel with the information age, TIBTD has achieved positive developments in the internet environment, the number of members has reached to 940 and membership relations have been improved. Despite of blocking all income excluding membership fees by the New Law of Associations, our association kept publishing the journal and improving the qualities of National Thermal Sciences Congresses and held the position of being most prestigious journal around the Turkey with editorship of Prof. Dr. Tulay Yesim between years of 2000-2004 and with Prof. Dr. Hasmet Turkoglu after 2004.

Prof. Dr. Hasmet Turkoglu was the president and Prof. Dr. Nuri Yücel was the editor of the journal between 2006 and 2018. The journal is being scanned by Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE). In this regard, the contribution of the studies initiated during the presidency of Prof. Dr. Bekir Zuhtu Uysal is great. The level of interest and publications in our magazine has increased even more since SCI began to scan. The Journal of Thermal Sciences and Technology is also scanned by the database of EBSCO and database of Fundamental Sciences of Engineering (TÜBITAK – ULAKBIM). Glossary of terms of Heat Science which previously has been published by Prof. Dr. Yalçın Göğüş and Prof. Dr. Ercan Ataer was reorganized and developed by Prof. Dr. Hasmet Turkoglu and turned into an electronic dictionary and sent to all members of the association. National Thermal Sciences and Technology Congresses are being held all across the country every year after. By the year 2012, the member of association has reached to 1060 members.

Since 2018, the president of the association is Prof. Dr. Atilla Bıyıkoğlu and since 2017, the editor of the journal is Prof. Dr. Zafer Dursunkaya. By the year of 2018, the number of members reached to 1113.

From the President, TIBTD 2019 Activity Report-1

Our respectful members,

During the period of approximately four months, starting from the date, December 31th, 2018 when I was presented the second activity report to now, to summarize our activities on behalf of TIBTD, consistent with the theme of president, “Let’s overcome the borders and broaden our horizon”; With the amendment made in the Regulation of Associations, it has been made obligatory to inform the association member information (real or legal person) via associations over Information System of the Department of Associations, DERBIS. In this context, the number of members uploaded to DERBIS system has reached to 228. Although the process takes longer than expected, we continue with the determination to upload all our members to the system.

It is possible to follow the current developments in the announcements section of the society website. The interview I gave to the Turkish HVAC News channel ( broadcasting in English on 11 April 2019 is available on the society’s announcements page. The full text of the interview in Turkish and English can also be obtained by clicking on the lan From the President link under the society tab. In the interview, which contains information about the historical development of the Association, you will find tips on the applications that I plan to do in the coming years. The aim of the interview is to introduce TIBTD and to inform the domestic and international public about congresses and journals.

A member ID card was designed and a group of cards was printed for trial purposes. The printing of the cards is planned to be completed in May by providing pictures of all members.

The English face of the Association’s web page ( has been completed and activated and is ready to be revised according to the suggestions from you. The logo of the association was revised and designed in six different formats. The association badge is suppressed by using vector format including abbreviation association name and installation date and it is planned to be distributed during the Congress. Besides member identity card design is made and it is planned to be sent to the demanders and to be distributed during the congress.

The process of the Congress of Turkish Society of Thermal Science and Technology (TIBTD), which will be held internationally in Kocaeli between 11-14 September 2019, continues. The process of sending abstracts to the Congress has been completed and a total of 419 applications have been received. The full text submission process has been extended to 15 May. Bidders who cannot apply for abstracts can participate in the process by sending full text.

The 22nd Congress on Thermal Science and Technology (ULIBTK’19) will be organized in cooperation with Kocaeli University ( and ASHRAE Turkish Chapter ( under the roof of Turkish Society of Thermal Science and Technology (TIBTD) ( Within the scope of the announcement of the Congress, scientific associations and research centers operating in Turkey and abroad were contacted. During the congress, negotiations are underway to organize certified free trainings for students and young engineers in cooperation with Autodesk Turkey, TTMD, MMO, the CYPE Turkey and NUMESYS.

In order to promote the congress, TIBTD and ULIBTK-19 promotional activities were carried out through one-on-one meetings with companies at TESKON-2019 Congress and SODEX fair held in İzmir between 17-20 April 2019.

Journal of Thermal Sciences and Technology, which has been published in print format since 1978, has received the e-ISSN: 2667-7725 number in order to continue publication in both printed and electronic media as of 2019. Became a member of the EYDeS system developed by the National Library for the collection of online journals.

The e-mail address has been reactivated in order to facilitate and improve communication with the members of the Association. In this context, I declare that the suggestions and criticisms of the members of the association about the activities performed will be followed by me on this platform.

Since I took office in April 2018, the number of new members of TIBTD has reached 22. While the total number of TIBTD members has reached 1135 since its establishment, the number of active members we have reached is around 500.

The goal of the society through this term, in the direction of president’s theme, is to be more active both in national and international scientific arena and to develop cooperation and collaboration with other industrial, educational and scientific communities, and to increase the number and quality in scientific activities. Within this scope, our searches for cooperation as an association are ongoing.

To be a more effective association and to overcome the borders…

Atilla Bıyıkoğlu
Turkish Society of Thermal Science and Technology (TIBTD) President