From the President, TIBTD 2018 First Activity Report, 20.08.2018
Our respectful members,
Please give us a chance to introduce the activities done based on the theme of president, “Let’s overcome the borders and broaden our horizon” from the beginning of my appointment, April of 2018, if summarized respectively; firstly, member’s information are updated as a result of direct communication with each member, one by one. English face of web page of society ( was constructed and activated. All of the papers in the Journal of Thermal Sciences and Technology which has been published since 1974 are converted into Pdf format and loaded on the web page of the society. In the direction of president’s theme, the 22nd Congress of Thermal Sciences and Technology which will be held on 2019 at Kocaeli University was decided to be organized internationally in collaboration with ASHRAE Turkish Chapter ( The Joint Congress will be introduced by the worldwide member network of ASHRAE community which has more than 56 thousands of members from 132 different nations over 15 different Regions. The 2018 – 2019 ASHRAE president, Sheila Hayter ( had been invited to the Joint Conference as Distinguished Lecturer and the invitation was confirmed by herself. It will also be organized Student Branch Meetings over RAL ( and Europe Regions ( of ASHRAE connecting international students with Turkish ones. Training programmes will be planned for both students and young engineers. The congress related information, e.g. schedule, registration fees, etc. will be announced via e-mail and web page that is in preperation stage.
The goal of the society through this term, in the direction of president’s theme, is to be more active both in natioal and international scientific arena and to develop cooperation and collaboration with other industrial, educational and scientific communities, and to increase the number and quality in scientific activities. In this respect, principally, a collaboration protocol had been prepared with Turkish Society of HVAC and Sanitary Engineers (TTMD). A similar protocol had been signed and get into action with ASHRAE Turkish Chapter.
To be a more effective association and to overcome the borders…
Atilla Bıyıkoğlu
Turkish Society of Thermal Sciences and Technology (TIBTD) President
From the President, TIBTD 2018 Second Activity Report, 31/12/2018
Our respectful members,
During the period of approximately four months, starting from the date, Augustos 20th, 2018 when I was presented the first activity report to now, to summarize our activities on behalf of TIBTD, consistent with the theme of president, “Let’s overcome the borders and broaden our horizon”; With the amendment made in the Regulation of Associations, it has been made obligatory to inform the association member information (real or legal person) via associations over Information System of the Department of Associations, DERBIS. In this context, the process of one-to-one communication with the members of the association and uploading the member information to DERBIS system has been initiated and it is expected to be completed by the end of January 2019.
The English face of the Association’s web page ( has been completed and activated and is ready to be revised according to the suggestions from you. The logo of the association was revised and designed in six different formats. The association badge is suppressed by using vector format including abbreviation association name and installation date and it is planned to be distributed during the Congress. Besides member identity card design is made and it is planned to be sent to the demanders and to be distributed during the congress.
Turkish Society of Thermal Science and Technology (TIBTD) Congress, which has been organized in national scope at every two years for 42 years since 1977, was decided to be organized internationally in Kocaeli City between 11-14 September 2019. It was deemed appropriate to revise the name of the congress as “Congress on Thermal Science and Technology” by excluding the term “National”. On the other hand, it was preferred being keept the existing abbreviation name as it is, ULIBTK in order to preserve the corporate memory. Since the domain name was taken as ctst2019, no correction could be made in this section. The congress posters were printed in English by the Executive Committee and were dispatched to the related units. Although the abbreviation CTST 2019 is used in the congress posters published, the abbreviation ULIBTK’19 will continue to be used after revision on the website ( and electronically published posters ( The Turkish version of the Congress Poster will be prepared and published on the website. In addition to the English face of the web page, a study was started to prepare the Turkish face. Preparations are planned to be completed within 15 days and the amandments will be announced by Executive Committee of the Congress.
The 22nd Congress on Thermal Science and Technology (ULIBTK’19) will be organized in cooperation with Kocaeli University ( and ASHRAE Turkish Chapter ( under the roof of Turkish Society of Thermal Science and Technology (TIBTD) (
During the congress, it is planned to provide certified trainings (Carrier HAP, REVIT, etc.) for students and young engineers. These trainings are especially planned for ASHRAE student members and Young Engineer in ASHRAE (YEA) members as well as undergraduate and graduate students who will participate in both domestic and foreign.
A presentation was made by myself for the congress promotion at the meeting of Climate Council of Turkey’s Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges (TOBB) ( which was held on December 13th, 2018 at the Union’s Building in Istanbul. Approximately 35 senior representatives from industrial firms, institutions and organizations representing the air conditioning sector were attended to the meeting. Hereby it is aimed to strengthen the university – industry association and get support as a sponsor.
The goal of the society through this term, in the direction of president’s theme, is to be more active both in national and international scientific arena and to develop cooperation and collaboration with other industrial, educational and scientific communities, and to increase the number and quality in scientific activities. Within this scope, our searches for cooperation as an association are ongoing.
To be a more effective association and to overcome the borders…
Atilla Bıyıkoğlu
Turkish Society of Thermal Science and Technology (TIBTD) President
Click below to see the interview with Atilla Bıyıkoğlu: